Sunday, January 19, 2014

Riding the Loop

We set out to ride the Mae Hong Son loop and find all sorts of beautiful places along the way. It sure was an adventure with flat tires and other mishaps as well. Let’s start with the beautiful pictures.


We started by exploring the waterfalls at Doi Inthanon National Park. The park is a little bit like Yosemite and it reminded me of home.



 We headed to the top of the Doi Inthanon. It is the highest peak in Thailand but it does not have much of a view. We stopped at The Holy Relics Pagoda that has quite a majestic view.



One of the Shrines at the temple. Beautiful views, beautiful temples and some amazing gardens.



The inside of the temple. Note the stories about Buddha in the ceiling.


And more teachings on the stone reliefs around the temple.
Here is Ali enjoying a view of the beautiful garden. After visiting the temple we spent the night in the village of Mae Chaem.
 The second day of riding had beautiful views and lovely stops such as this one.
We eventually made our way to the next waterfall. Can’t you read the name of it from the sign?
Bad-ass Ali riding her scooter thru a closed market. As the sun was setting we found some nearby accommodations and called it a day.
On the morning of our third day we passed a Wat or monastery. The monks live in them and it is a privilege in Thai society to have a family member be a monk.
We made our way to the Karen village, but that took a small detour on a boat. Once there the map made it all clear. Try reading that map!
The Karen villagers are exiled from Burma and are struggling to keep their customs and traditions alive. 
The village certainly reminds me of browsing a National Geographic magazine and being amazed. 
Ali got to partake in the local customs. I am glad to report that we were able to get her neck back to normal afterwards.
This local lady could play some tunes as well as having the longest neck in the village.
Getting back we drove by some spooky abandoned buildings. Nobody is getting thru that emergency exit.
Getting gas was a drum affair that is very colorful and requires no electricity. Pay at the pump has a whole different meaning out here.
The sun would settle at the end of our fourth day with some spectacular vistas across northern Thailand and maybe even Burma. Day 4 coming up on the next post.

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