Monday, July 7, 2014

Swiss Fun

July 7, 2014


Omar and I are actually back in Germany now binging on beer and pretzels, I am just way behind on the blog!  Nicole, Omar’s cousin, has been an amazing host taking us to towns all over Switzerland and finding fun adventures for us to do around Gebenstorf and beyond.



DSCN0244The beautiful river Reuss in the beautiful town of Lucerne on a beautiful, Swiss day.


DSCN0242The oldest wooden bridge in Europe - Chapel Bridge.  However, almost all of the bridge was replaced in 1993 after a fire caused by a cigarette. Need another reason not to smoke???


DSCN0254A quick break at a local brewery, riverside in Lucerne.


DSCN0248Omar and Nicole in front of the old walls of Lucerne.


DSCN0249And a view of the town from the top of the tower.


DSCN0259Omar and I at the Lion Monumet - carved in 1792 to honor all the massacred Swiss Guards.


DSCN0263Notice the complete lack of box for our strawberry picking extravaganza.  Munch, munch!


DSCN0380We visited the Paul Klee Museum for an afternoon.


DSCN0375We both thought the bike ride to the museum was better than the artwork.


DSCN0343Chillon Castle , built on an island in Lake Geneva, was a very different story however!


DSCN0316Omar in the dungeon of the castle - fitting.  Very fitting.


DSCN0326One of the many large dining rooms . . . available for rent, none the less!

DSCN0332Hmmm . . . wedding in a castle???  (Or a sick game of capture the flag!)


DSCN0339A view of the castle and Lake Geneva beyond.  The last lord here actually escaped by boat when under siege!  Sweet!

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