Monday, August 12, 2013

Adventure in Alor Part 1

August 12, 2013

Our time here in Alor is wrapping up, which is quite sad as we have all made this island home from adjusting to the ladle flush toilets to making friends with the locals. I am sad to say good bye to Simon and Baz, as our two crew members disembarked on this island as planned - they are off to find waves and make it to a wedding in Singapore.  Fear not - the rest of our crew managed to get into plenty of trouble without them!

IMG 3415We spent the morning whale spotting as we sailed into Alor.  I identified these as pilot whales thanks to Julian's whale book.

IMG 3431Here's our neighbor, Reflections.  Sherry is sharing candy with the kids who paddled  out to say hello from shore.

IMG 3447
Can you find 6 white people and 1 Mexican?  I wasn't kidding when I said we were making friends with the locals!

IMG 3441
I am pretty sure this flavor should be introduced to America! Seaweed snack is huge there right now!

IMG 3458We took a tour to the traditional village of Takpala.  It was cleaner than the town of Kalabahi where we are staying.  Check out that three story hut behind us - sweet!

IMG 3461I hope you like cassava!  The best thing about these huts is they actually light fires in them for cooking.  

IMG 3462This one is for you Simon and Marta . . . you can use my new friend's teeth for a before and after ad for the new ortho office.  Or maybe a PSA teaching people not to chew beetle nut.

IMG 3467Thanks to Orla who took one for the team and chewed some beetle nut, the local villager put on his Sunday best for us in return.

IMG 3487I love these boats!

IMG 3499I think the best village of the day was Bampalon high up in the mountains.  It means secret place in Indonesian.  

IMG 3489Here was Omar starting the hike out to Bampalon… we now refer it to as it the death march.

IMG 3496Maybe this photo illustrates why . . . now imagine me in flip flops and a dress!

IMG 3491The huts in Bampalon were amazing - much more intricate than the first village!

I'll get Part 2 - the snorkeling and scuba pictures up ASAP!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having an amazing time! Loving the updates...keep 'em coming!
