Thursday, May 8, 2014

Annapurna Trekking - UPHILL

May 8, 2014

After 21 days of trekking and mt. biking through what is called the world's best trek by NY Times and Outside Magazine, Omar and I have emerged - alive, sore, and parasite free!

We walked over the world's highest pass at 17,769 feet (5,416 m), we walked 85 miles (137 km) and mountain biked down 8,500 feet (2,590 m) over 55 miles (90 km).  We finally arrived to the town of Pokhara and let me tell you - a town has never looked soo good!!!

Day one - the scenery was breath taking from the start!

That is just what you think it is!  It grows all along the trail, but the buds are noticeably absent!

Rhiannon and Omar spinning prayer wheels after I caught the first parasite of the trip - hoping to avoid the same fate.

I love these things - it's like a way to cheat on your prayers. One good spin and you said all your prayers you need to for the day!

Amoeba-cide pills - Omar and Rhiannon's prayers were not answered.  But we did start a new diet fad!!!

However, parasites and bacteria couldn't keep us from trekking - it did just cause us to use the bathroom all day long.  

It wasn't long till our pine forests and apple orchards gave way to jagged crests and snowy peaks.

Horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, mules, goats and yaks all roam free here.

We followed the river up valley the whole trek up - that's the town of Lower Pisang in the background.

And that's the view behind us.  We walked to Lower Pisang, crossed the bridge and spent the next two hours hiking up.

Well worth the view!

We met up with our trekking buddies Nick (England), Manu and Airwon (France) and had a lovely Easter brunch together.

Omar and Rhiannon proudly displaying their yak cheese with the local who made it.

The town of Ghyaru - hope there isn't an earthquake!

More prayer wheels - right before we all ended up at the doctor's and with antibiotics this time around... hmmm . . .

It's the yeti!!!


Believe it or not - this isn't photoshopped.  That's the Gangapurna Glacier behind us.

Omar and Rhiannon took the high road - I took the low road.

The bustling metropolis of Manang.  We spent three nights here recovering from our various illnesses before heading towards the pass.

Manang traffic jam.

Nick, me, Rhiannon and Omar - making our way slowly towards Thorang Pass.


O and I at a small summit outside High Camp - just over 16,000 feet - tomorrow is pass day!

We made it from High Camp to the summit in just under three hours - trekking on boot-pack snow trails.

Thorang Pass - we made it!!!!!!!!
17,769 feet (5,416 m)

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