Sunday, May 25, 2014

Party in Pokhara

May 26, 2014

We are finally back in Kathmandu after a week of resting in Pokhara, an amazing white water rafting trip, and then another day of down time before heading back to home base. It was a treat to be out of busy Kathmandu with all the cars and scooters and general madness, but we are happy to be back with all the day time fun and night time parties. 


IMG 8519Omar and I rented a scooter for a day to drive around the lake and visit the International Mountain Museum.

IMG 8524We saw a giant Tibetan mandala made of sand - this is a close up so you can see the detail that goes into these mandalas.  Covered by a glass case so klutzes like me don’t accidentally sneeze while looking at them.

IMG 8526The museum had a collection of old mountain climbing gear, a section on geology, a section on the local tribes of Nepal and one dedicated to past climbers.

IMG 8530There was also a section dedicated to the yeti!  My favorite!

IMG 8531There was a 31 ft. replica of Mt. Manaslu so that everyone can summit a peak at least once in their life!

IMG 8535That’s the town Pokhara in the background and Lake Fewa.  It looks a lot cleaner than it is - definitely not a swimming lake!

IMG 2027We joined an Isreli tour group for an epic 3 day rafting trip.

IMG 2029Vegetarian meals and beach side camping - what more could I want?

IMG 2038We had two rafts of people and a third filled with camping supplies and food.  Of course my raft managed to capsize and we ended up floating through at least one rapid.

IMG 2035A green butterfly - who knew???

IMG 8549Omar and I at the end of our 3 day rafting trip on the Kaligandaki River - with water straight from the glacier melt!

IMG 8560Fun murals abound in Kathmandu!

IMG 8556Omar and I with our new friends Nosh and Sarah from Bangladash (we spent the day riding back to Kathmandu with them on the bus) and our friend Jenn (we trekked with her for a few days on the Annapurna Circuit)

IMG 8569There is tons of live music in Kathmandu and some of the bands aren’t half bad!

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