Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chillin' in Cameron

December 1, 2013

After a terrible hot spell in Pangkor, Omar and I decided we needed a break and jumped a bus to the Cameron Highlands - home of the oldest rain forests in the world and endless farms that produce 90% of the crops for Singapore! It was a freezing 60 degrees at night and we had to bundle up in all our warm gear just to survive the arctic nights.  It seems my body can no longer regulate cold temperatures after 5 months of sweltering heat.

IMG 5999We set off for a 4 hour jungle trek our first morning there - this rain forest is 120 million years old.

IMG 6005And found the rare Rafflesia flower - the largest flower in the world and only found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.  It only opens for 5 days at a time - this one has been open for 3 days and has already changed from an orange color to red.

IMG 6007Thanksgiving with our new boat family.

IMG 6008We stumbled upon the best car show ever! I am totally getting this car when I come back!

IMG 6011Most cars were covered in anime and LED lights - it was a very Asian car show.  :)

IMG 6027Words cannot describe this car.

IMG 6028Nor the interior of the car.

IMG 6022All the cars had bumping sound systems in the back and multiple flat screen TV’s!

IMG 6062We took a trip to the BOH tea plantation the next day with our new friends, Jim and Wendy from Canada.  It looks like they are joining us on the boat!

IMG 6049The cup of green tea I had here was the first cup of green tea I actually enjoyed!

IMG 6057Three cheers for Malaysia and tea!

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