Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rhino Hunting in Chitwan

June 10, 2014

As most of you know, Omar and I are long gone from Nepal, but I have yet to post our last week in Nepal and our time in Dubai . . . all coming soon!

We decided no trip to Nepal would be complete without a visit to Chitwan National Park in the south of Nepal, to look for rhinos, tigers and bears - oh my!  With two guys with long sticks for protection and the following advice:

1)if a rhino charges, climb a tree or run in a zig zag pattern
2) if we see a tiger, make eye contact and slowly back away
3) if a bear attacks, group together and fight the bear like a ninja
4) if an elephant charges, run like hell and pray to God

 - we set off for two days of trekking, poling, and even a jeep safari

IMG 8888Over the bridge and through the rice fields to National Parks we go . . .
Note our camouflage clothing for jungle preparedness.

IMG 8991The grasses we had to walk through at times towered overhead . . . although this is nothing - they grow to be 24 feet tall!

IMG 9060I’m just glad these guys don’t live in America!

IMG 8970Who knew? peacocks actually live in the wild, outside of zoos and rich people’s gardens!

IMG 9043After totaling failing to see rhinos the first day of trekking, Omar and I decided to try again the next day and after 20 kilometers of walking . . .

IMG 9016… success!!!!

IMG 9056Over the course of our second day of walking we saw 4 rhinos, and weren’t stampeded once!!!  Pretty good considering at least one person was trampled by an elephant while we there.  (Not to death or anything crazy!)  

IMG 8907Here was our sweet ride to the National Park, which was much appreciated as we passed the crocodiles.

IMG 8918This was especially exciting after having seen crocodiles in the other part of the river.

IMG 8923
We were lucky enough to see 4 sun bears, or sloth bears, while we trekking.

IMG 8930
The national park was amazing. . . this was the view from our lunch break.

IMG 8941
Gharials - these guys only eat fish, so I was happy to visit them at the breeding center before they are released into the wild.

IMG 8980
After two incredibly hot days of hiking with 64% humidity - Omar and I were well prepared for our upcoming trip to Dubai.

1 comment:

  1. you all saw rhinos?!?!? Awesome!!
    You got to see a lot of other stuff too!
